Yorktown’s John Ranagan. (Photo by Ray Gallagher)
When they talk about Yorktown’s 13-10 win tonight over John Jay years from now, most folks will start with two words.
John Ranagan.
The Hopkins-bound senior midfielder had one of those games that will forever will etched in the memories of those who witnessed it.
Check back for game highlights and video interviews from Yorktown’s 13-10 win over John Jay
Ranagan had five goals and two assists, but that was the least of it. He put on a prototypical display of what two-way midfield play can and should be all about.
When Yorktown needed a big faceoff, he won it.
When it needed a big groundball, he got it.
When a good, clean hard hit was required, he took care of that too.
Simply stated, Ranagan turned in as dominant a performance in as many different areas of the game as you will see.
And for those that did, it was unforgettable.
While his individual effort was jaw-dropping to say the least, the ‘Huskers could not have picked up by their second straight win over the Indians without some other key contributors.
Among them:
Junior attackman Remy Lieberman, who scored a career-high four goals.
Senior attackman Tom Casey, who had two goals and three assists.
Sophomore standout Ty Schult, who dished out three assists.
John Jay, meanwhile, had an outstanding game plan and executed it to near perfection. That’s rare for a team comprised mainly of underclassmen.
Defensively, the Indians ran the lax equivalent of a basketball box and one with Geneseo-bound senior Jeff Dunworth holding Hopkins-bound junior attackman Kevin Interlicchio scoreless in the first half. Interlicchio finished with two goals and one assist.
Williams-bound senior Will Stewart, meanwhile, turned in a superb effort with four goals, an achievement that will certainly look good on his all-America résumé.
John Jay, which led 4-3 after the first quarter, built a 5-3 second-quarter lead, and at that time, I felt it was in a very good position if it could settle the pace of the game. Going in, I felt for the Indians to win, they could not allow more than nine goals.
But Yorktown was able to get its lethal fastbreak offense going in the second quarter outscoring John Jay 4-1.
It was a rare game in which both teams could walk away with plenty of positives.
Yorktown wrapped up another unbeaten season vs. Section 1 teams.
John Jay turned in an outstanding effort against the No. 2-ranked team in the LaxLessons.com Top 25 regional rankings.
It was what great rivalry games should be all about.
Note: Tonight’s game can be seen Sunday morning at 10 a.m. on MSG Plus. Jimmy Cavallo calls the play-by-play with former Yorktown and Syracuse star Paul Carcaterra providing analysis and Maggie Gray reporting from the sideline.
Reach Joe Lombardi at joe@laxlessons.com.
Click here for a gallery of Section 1 photos.
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I’ve never wanted to watch a re-run so badly in my life …
Great artical Joe. You summed itvall up perfectly. Great rivalry for a great cause.
I agree cuse, John Jay really showed that they belonged in that game, they are a good team.. yorktown could have played much better, but stepped up when they needed too.
as i was pleased with both teams, i was not so much by jj volunteers and guards at the game.forced to stand along a fence on that awful muddy hill filled with most likely west nile virus i noticed there were yorktown fans and parents in the big stands and there was room for us to get cozy..at halftime the entire crop tried making the move to only be stopped by a JJ volunteer that talked to us like we were dogs and didnt listen to us or any ytown parents that tried to help us out, so back to the muddy hill we go..if you have huge stands why not use them..real classy…i guess it builds character
[…] Yorktown rallies past John Jay in entertaining slugfest May 16 Email This […]
crop – you chose the hill, no one sent you there – the bleachers were packed by half time and i’m sure your motive wasn’t to get cozy. “the crop” talking about class??? funny! oh by the way – from our bleachers – what were you guys saying over there – couldn’t hear you!
I believe its Maggie Gray.
well jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj… even with your cozy setting and the packed “home crowd” you had over there, id hate to say it but we couldn’t hear you either. we tried 3 times to take a squat on the bleachers.. at the beginning of the first quarter, we were told to go to the hill… in th emiddle of the second quarter, we got told by security to turn around. at half time, we tried to go to the bleachers, and some john jay security volunteer talked to us as if we were animals, and told us to go back to the muddy atmosphere where the west nile virus was clearly nipping away at us.
the crop is very satisfied with yorktown’s performance, however it was quite lackluster at times. remy lieberman, tom casey, and ty schuldt all showed that they are more than capable to step it up when the team needs it, even though ki is getting the lock down. KI had a very underrated game, could’ve had more assists… they kept doubling him high, and he fed the open man low right next to the goal, but in some cases we just didn’t finish. he was a great decoy and distributor, and thats where town neeeded him the most. great players adapt to every situation on the fly.
i was very impressed by jj’s will stewart.. the senior captain had a great performance and led by example. as i was impressed by daniello, very athletic and a quick crank, the maturity is still in the making. it was very similar to KI as a freshman in that his shot selection just needs to adapt.
it’s a real shame that john jay made those huge bleachers for nobody to sit on. obviously the jay security guards thought we were going to fight somebody, but why would we embarrass our school on MSG, let alone the thousands of kids that show up to the game just because they love the environment that we, the crop contribute to. the sport is great, the teams are great, now why couldn’t the jay guards just let us do our part and make the atmosphere great?
“The Crop” referring to John Jay security volunteers as classless. Was this before or after they finished their “you suck” chant.
Springlax you say this like JJ students weren’t doing the exact same chants and that they are the epitome of class. It’s a student section. They do whatever stupid chants they want. And every JJ game I’ve been to security has had to tell the students to stop their chants as they always start cursing. Classy indeed
just for your information “jjjjjjjjjjjjj” ….parents were also told throughout the night that they could not sit on the bleachers behind the ‘Town boys, and yet, plenty of us were already there, having gotten there early.. If Jay had decent visitor bleachers, (like ‘Town does) ones that aren’t a mile from the field, maybe they would be more desirable. The grass was cold, wet and full of bugs, but I guess that’s Jay’s idea of gracious hospitality. It was ridiculous that they rest of the fans, and most importantly The CROP, could not use the real bleachers..
Tiger, I agree that the JJ student section also had at least one inappropriate chant. It was quelled quickly but it was there. And you are right, student sections will get a bit rowdy at times. I have no problem with that. I did not bring them into the conversation as they were not on the blog this morning calling JJ volunteers classless.
i don’t think chanting was the problem. the evening was a success: great lacrosse and making money for a great cause – seating arrangements can’t even ruin that!
Why did I wake up this morning?
Ah right Springlax, I kind of put words in your mouth there. Sorry about that
student sections are going to be disrespectful at times, and they probably stopped the crop from going onto the other stands to avoid any issues between students, in a big game like that with people really getting into it they dont want to take any chances, and is classy knocking out the cups that JJ volunteers spent hours setting up
any john jay person that says they did not do the “you suck” chant atleast 3 or 4 times is a liar..even tho i had to put in my hearing aid to hear it, it was said so lets get that out of the way…i dont know why it was said during the middle of the game considering theres alot of game left, but it was said multiple times.
this is supposed to be about the game so lets just try to keep it that way…i was just saying it was awful how we were spoke to and treated. The parents near the entrance that tried to help us probably feel the same…. i felt like i was at Ozzfest with every one sliding..or at Dealy plaza in Dallas on the “grassy knoll”
go town…i hate tv timeouts
WE are keeping it about the game – we weren’t the ones complaining – by the way – lots of money was raised last night for a great cause!
i never said YOU were, i was just saying in general, plus you stated in an earlier post that we “picked” to sit there…thats wrong…i was just setting the record straight, take it easy.
very good cause
very good game
As a parent standing near you I thought you were great fans, very classy, and I loved the black attire! Today I’m throwing out the shoes I wore last night and the khakis I wore are mud ridden from the sloshy hillside. Why is it so wet on the hill. Anyway, the Crop is adorable…aside from the fact that Jay wears purple, it was a great game!

Great game by both teams. The better team won without question. Score was closer than most would have thought but this is a game JJ always gets up for. The visitor side, the hill, was nasty. Spend a few bucks for the opposing team or let everyone sit in the bleachers even if they dont have purple on. Come on already JJ.
CROP- You were the one who brought it up about the poor Y-town fans having to sit on the other side of the field. Every other fan base does it too. Stop acting like you’re a racial group being prejudiced against. The Crop is just another group of fans.
theres no reason to force people to sit there when there are obviously yorktown fans (parents, and kids who got there early) on the big stands where there was obviously room..Laxfan17 i doubt when theres room for a fan base on the big stands behind the away teams bench, the fan base says..lets go over there on the hill! i think your missing the point lax fan ..while standing on the grassy knoll was extremly annoying and ridiculous, we were more pissed about how we were spoke to during halftime..On a big stage like that on MSG..there should be a good atmosphere and understandment
I’ve been trying to drop the subject but if you keep bringing it up i’ll just keep answering.
Sitting on the hill was fine for me and my 5 year old until it became crowded and wanting to avoid the usual antics of teenagers, we moved to the bleachers. No ruined attire, nobody telling us we couldn’t sit in the stands – why are you all complaining? I don’t think any of you should be talking about class, just lacrosse!
It’s kind of an unwritten rule that if you have two sets of stands, one on each side of the field, you have a “home” side and a “visitors” side. At Yorktown I believe they actually have signs that act as a demarcation line (I could be wrong, but I think I’ve seen them).
I think CROP is just upset because he didn’t like the treatment he and his flock received, not so much where he had to sit.
At the end of the day, it’s the school security’s perogative to seat people as they see fit. If they felt it better to do it a certain way there’s not much anyone can do. I don’t think this is a big deal, but obviously CROP and Co. felt somewhat annoyed by the whole thing. That’s his perogative.
We know CROP is a good fan. I would think him throwing his experience out there wasn’t necessarily designed to start trouble, though it’s natural for people to react as they have.
CROP, next time you sit with me. We’ll roll in the TRUMP seats.
??? huh
guys – still can’t figure out why you didn’t go into the main stands. Opposing fans usually take the half behind their bench. The far side is typically for scouts, older people (ahem) who like things a little quieter or dads who want to watch close up from the fence – but it was your choice.
Y’all basically took over the bleachers where I was sitting so I went down to the fence. When Jay got ahead, it was ‘Town students who got everyone off the bleachers and down to fence and hill to be closer and cheer louder. So I went back to the bleachers you vacated. Again, your choice.
At halftime, you guys went left towards the shopping center – but it is totally fenced in in that direction in a rapidly diminishing space. You can’t get out and you can’t around the field that way unless you climb over the fence. It was dangerous – that’s why you were sent back the other way.
Never the less, thought the game, the cheering sections of all ages, and the general respect for the quality of the game being played was great. That ‘town traveled so many from so many different ages was really impressive.
Hey guys sorry about the delay with putting up the game highlights and interviews but I’ve been and still am stuck on the runway at jfk for the last 2.5 hours. The plan was to upload them from the plane, but since we aren’t in the air yet they won’t turn on the wireless Internet. DONT FLY AMERICAN AIRLINES! Any ways I will get them up as soon as possible!
sorry ‘cuse, JJ “visitors” side is not appropriate seating for such a highly attended game. I would have no problem with it if they were like ‘Town’s. If you are going to require such seating, then you have to provide appropriate accommodations. If the 200+ ‘Town fans (& I) did not (apparently) “sneak” in and sit behind OUR boys on the real bleachers, most of us would have been stuck sitting on the crappy grass or standing. Might be their perogative, but it doesn’t make it right. I understand about preventing problems between students, but that’s why you reserve the two sections behind ‘Town boys for ‘Town fans only, Jay takes the rest. OR.. the Jay fans can sit on the street side – nice and cozy-like. In 2011 they”ll save a seat for you on the hill….!
Old Timer – not sure if you read Crops earlier post, it was not their choice, they were told not to go on the other side.
[…] Yorktown rallies past John Jay in entertaining slugfest […]
I’m Sorry, but you are simply mistaken.
Syosset last week (and every other team over the years) had no trouble filling the sections behind their bench. I spent the Syossett game on the far side sitting next to a Syossett dad whose wife and family were sitting in the main stand and a Yorktown player. We had the bleacher basically to ourselves.
I read Crops earlier posts. He was wrong.
1) The Crop did not claim being directed to the far side of the field before the game. I watched as the Crop congregated in the far bleachers well before the game because I was sitting where they chose to do so. They did not arrive en masse, they trickled in over time – and they were not decked out in Town regalia. It was most definitely their choice. Moreover, your own word use “(apparently) “sneak” in” makes clear you were not so directed.
2)” j volunteers and guards at the game.forced to stand along a fence on that awful muddy hill” They were not forced by anyone from Jay to stand at the fence. I left the the bleachers because they had unexpectedly become the Town student section and went to stand at the fence with a ‘Town dad and a Jay dad because it was basically empty there. In the second quarter, it was the Town kids in black tshirts who told all the students to get off of the bleachers and go down to the fence.
3) “i noticed there were yorktown fans and parents in the big stands and there was room for us to get cozy..at halftime the entire crop tried making the move to only be stopped by a JJ volunteer”. The entire crop went the wrong way! Marching a bunch of kids into a fenced pen that is ultimately about five feet across on a muddy hill is a recipe to get someone trampled.
When we all first walked into the place, after making a donation, we were told that yorktown goes to the left, so we obeyed. and when we realized that there was room on the other side of the bleachers behind the yorktown bench, we decided to go over there. The so called “bleachers” provided to us on the away side of the field were 1 uncomfortable, 2 not big enough, and 3 would have broken if we all stood on them and truly be the crop. that is why we moved down to the fence, also so we could be more a part of the game. the only reason we went the “wrong way” was to avoid any conflict with the student section of john jay, and when we tried to go the other way, did you follow us and hear what the guy said to us…no. He told us that we couldn’t go over there. The guy was extremely rude to us numerous times and he treated us worse than we deserved. If he had been polite there wouldnt have been as big of an issue, but he was unecessarily rude. Before you accuse us of anything next time maybe you should get your facts straight.
oldtimer…. i must of said about 5 times that we were forced to sit on that side once we walked in…you weren’t with us how do you know what was said to us lol..considering you obviously dont know what happend lets just end it
Old Timer, turn up your hearing aid. YOU ARE WRONG. but let’s be done with this. I guess you know everything about everything that happened on Friday night. What the heck does the Syosset game have to do with Friday night? Please stop telling me what I experienced. It’s ridiculous.
also Old Timer – I was being sarcastic about sneaking in.. ask ‘Cuse about sarcasm.. I got there at 6:30 and went behind the ‘Town boys, like most of the parents. It is insane that all of the fans couldn’t sit behind the ‘Town boys since there were a few hundred of us there well before game time, and plenty more room. They randomly started telling ‘Town fans they could not sit on that side… as I said before, am lookin’ forward to 2011.. When Jay comes next year they can stand behind the nets in the end zone… cause ‘Town fans could easily fill BOTH sets of bleachers… night!
Sorry – thought you were complaining about halftime.
No one was forced to watch the game from anywhere. period. If you believe differently, you are mistaken.
There is a difference between being told where the Yorktown students are already gathering and being told where Yorktown students must watch the game from. When the game started the main stands were half empty. anybody could have sat there.
BTW – I was in your midst from the time you started arriving through halftime so I have a pretty good idea of what happened.
I gotta say if they didn’t allow you to sit in the main stands that’s pretty stupid. I know the opposing fans are encouraged to sit on the opposite side but I can’t agree with not letting crop members sit in the main stands, even if it would’ve gotten more rowdy. But now let’s get over this, it’s the game that really matters.
I have no idea what you experienced. I was going by what I thought I read. I did not read sarcasm by the use of – (apparently) “sneak” in, but rather something you became aware of after the fact. If I misread what you wrote or intended – I’m sorry.
It was absurd that the main stand were so empty at the start of the game. I asked several of the first ‘Town kids that arrived why they were on the far side of the field rather than in those empty seats. Got mostly shrugs in response. None said they’d been told this was “their” side.
As for your experience: If you were told you couldn’t sit in the main stands, I agree it was uncalled for and frankly nonsensical – Jay clearly didn’t have enough folk there to fill more than half.
Who is “they” that started telling ‘town fans they couldn’t sit in the empty stands? Who told you that? A kid? An adult? Some volunteer wearing a yellow jacket? Or someone from the Jay administration?
Was it someone who might have been pulling a prank – or was it someone official? Where did they tell you that? In the stands? or at the entry? Both?
What specifically did they say?
What do you mean by random? How could “they” tell whether one was a Jay fan or Town fan or just an interested third party?
Is there a chance it was the MSG folks? Might they have wanted fans on the far side of the field because thats where both of their cameras were pointed?
I sat behind the Town bench with about 20 students in “Black”, next to them were about 20 8th grade JJ Boys youth players and a few 2nd grade youth players. Some good natured ribbing and “trash talking” back and forth for most of the game. Only one issue after half another young person with blacjk shirt and Green wig on came over trying to get the others to stand and chant, but then started dropping F bomb’s, the parents of the second graders grew upset voiced their concern (a bit rudely) and he politely went back over to the “mud” There was room for the Crop but from what I observed mixed signals by the volunteer’s as to where they visitors should sit.
GREAT Game Ranagan is a Beast good luck to both in Sectionals.
Crop – I’m sure the JJ boster club would take donations for improved bleachers on the opposite side. (LOL)
to all who attended the Town JJ game. Great Job guys they raised about $5,200 for a great cause.
Lets go Town
Lets go JJ
It WAS a great game, I am impressed at the progress JJ has made from the beginning of their season, but not really surprised. Their Varsity team members have been successful coming up through the years, just needed to pull it all together, and of course so well coached. (that was not sarcasm, Old Timer)
Excellent job with the fund-raising, I guess the gauntlet is thrown down for next year for us in ‘Town – every year hopefully we will each surpass the prior year’s total! Generous fans, both purple and green! GO PINK! And the weather was perfect, just a “bit” better than last year! over and out….